I'm waiting for a call from Don Best. He says that after he calls me he'll wait two minutes before changing his lines. Send me $75 and I'll email you the plays before they hit the DB screen.
you guys aint sheet, i get my picks from guys who bet $250k per gm. they only charge $50k a year for the service too. send me an e-mail with the secret code igotfvckedintheassbyatout, in the subject line and i'll hook you up.
YOUZ guYs DON no SHET!!! My BRO, T2W, hooked up wiTH JON DALY on the WINDMILL HOLE at wuderlan golf!! Got BuZZed on som gooood SHINE, man!!!! HOOOHA!!! Fade DALY at BaYHil thiz wK an mak EZ $$$CASH!!! BOOOYA!!!!!!